Monday, September 10, 2007


transported from my homeground

"There was a widely bruited-about statistic reported last week, stating that 1 in 4 Americans did not read a single book last year. Clearly, we don’t fall into that category, but . . . how many of our friends do? Do you have friends/family who read as much as you do? Or are you the only person you know who has a serious reading

i've been very lucky to be born in a family of voracious readers. my dad likes to read filipino (tagalog) novels; although when he does read one of my books, he has the uncanny ability to predict the outcome after reading few chapters. my mother reads too much romance novels; maybe that was why my siblings and i went out of our way to broaden our reading genre because subconciously, we don't want to read too much of (what in our mind's) mommy's mushy novels. my siblings collect their own books, they are into fantasy and adventure. between all of us, i think we've read all the books in the house.

my friends den and kat read as much (or even more) than i do so i really don't have much problem on that part. though some of my other friends, mostly from grade school and high school, do have this rather insensitivity to tell me "reading again?" or that "would you honestly read that?" when they see me holding a rather thick book that in their mind would constitute giving up weekend night outs in bars and singing videoke or watching movies. they pretty much keep up on latest and "famous" books by "watching" it in a movie. ^_^

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